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Fannin County, Georgia

Republican response to assassination attempt

               It’s been a busy couple of weeks.  Every hour the news cycle is covered up with new stories.  Its almost too much to process, and in some cases, to bear.  The assassination attempt on President Donald Trump ought to have shocked the consciousness of the entire nation.  Instead, it further divided us.  Liberal pundits have cast dispersions, internet trolls declare outrage the shooter missed.

                Republicans rejoiced when President Trump arose from the secret service scrum with a defiant fist raised high.  The photos captured that day will be iconic to our nation forever.  Donald Trump, at that moment, made us all believe we are unstoppable, even unbeatable.

                Now we face the fallout.  For a few hours the left gave lip service to being grateful President Trump was alive and well.  Less than a day later the liberals attacked the incident, claiming it was a propaganda stunt, even castigating President Trump for the size of his bandage.  Conspiracy theories are occluding and overtaking the truth and actual events.  We are, every day, receiving new information concerning the assassination attempt, yet the liberals will continue to peddle tripe in order to minimize the event.  What is tragically overlooked in all this is a good man lost his life, and two more are critically injured. Something Timothy McVeigh would characterize as “collateral damage”.

                In light of the more recent events, where do the two parties now stand?  It’s evident the liberal Democrat left suborns political violence while giving lip service to condemning it.  The Republican conservative right never condones political violence.  The only institution shouting and agitating for violence is the Democrat left. 

               Further political violence may ultimately result in the suspension of local police forces and see Federal Troops securing cities and critical locations.  A Marxist state with everything controlled by the government could emerge.  Conservatives will be castigated, and a dystopian government will initiate a “re-training” campaign.  George Orwell and Aldous Huxley now seem prescient.

                Republicans and Democrats must stand together to condemn all political violence.  Where is Maxine Waters?  The squad? Where is the condemnation?  A statesman, a former and likely future world leader almost lost his life, a family is without their husband and father, and two more men are casualties of this ridiculous demagoguery propagated by some Democrats.  Anyone fomenting political violence must be held to account. 

                As Americans, we must not allow our country to devolve into the same type of tyrannical state our founding fathers freed us from.  Our Republic, our constitution demands we stand together for logic, freedom and peaceful debate. 

                While the Democrat left attempts to assuage the nation and convince everyone everything is under control, the gaslighting of America is being exposed for what it is.  A communist coup.

                Fannin County Republicans stand with our fellow counties in condemning the assassination attempt on the life of President Donald Trump.  We condemn political violence, violent rhetoric and anyone who espouses violence against any elected official.  Long live the Republic!!